Thursday, January 27, 2011


Let me start by saying that my heart goes out to all involved in both of these shootings. My statements are not intended to make light of these horrible acts of violence. The loss of any American breaks my heart. Yes I morn all loss of life but I am an unapologetic American and like it or not Americans come first to me!! The fact that someone opened fire on solders at Fort Hood, being a former Marine, infuriates me and I want justice! Second, the attempt on Congress Women Giffords is also an attempt to destroy our Republic. I don't take that lightly. Yes she is a dem, but she is one of our elected officials and we have to prosecute anyone who does something like this to the max. I'm sure I disagree with her politically but I would be the first in line to take the bullet. And I'm sure any other conservative Marine would do the same. That is just how we are wired. It doesn't matter what their politics, they are OUR elected officials!! No body fucks with them!! We disagree and debate, then solve our arguments at the ballot box. That's America baby!! That's why we are the greatest country in the world.

Now that all being said we really must contrast and compare these two shootings. Why did one receive no visit from our current president, of course G.W. visited Fort Hood, while the other had a organized pep rally/memorial service? Why did the media focus so much on the victims in one and not the other? Why did the media jump to conclusions in one and didn't "rush to judgment" in the other? I have been wondering about these questions and more myself. Well here's my take on the situation, for what it's worth.:)

Fort Hood: Didn't receive a visit from the current president because he could give a fuck less about our solders. It is known, a sweeping statement, that libs loathe the military. That was actually the very word Bill Clinton once used. So dead solders don't upset our president too much, unless there is a photo op in it for him. Obama's reaction was "we shouldn't rush to judgment" , very powerful don't you think. The media? Well again with the liberal media they don't care about any dead solders, unless of course there is a Republican in office then we do a daily body count. Have you seen one of those lately? Apparently when Obama took office our solders stopped dying. I rest my case!! Why did they listen to Obama and not rush to judgment? Simple, the shooter was a liberal wet dream! He was a Muslim, he was against the wars, he was a psychiatrist who always finds a good excuse for all the wrong the libs do. As it turns out Hasan was basically a Muslim terrorist. He had radical web postings, he was pissed that he was going to be deployed to combat. Fort Hood body count: 12 dead, 31 wounded.

Tucson: Why the pep rally? Right now the Obama administration is at war with Arizona, so to bring shine a light on the state for violence is politically expedient. Remember: "you never want a serious crisis go to go to waste" Rahm Emanuel The victims? Well solders, versus a democratic rally? This is a no brainer for anyone with a brain, so I will explain it to the liberals. Solders are everything the libs "loathe" while a democratic rally is a chance for "hope and change" :) While rushing to judgment the libs, media and politicians, thought this was there big opportunity. Loughner was a white male, so unless you are a lib, a white male is a Tea Party racist! For the brainless it was a natural conclusion. WRONG!!! He basically was apolitical. His history was liberal, then more anarchist.

So what have we learned here? Muslim shooter: don't rush to judgment, down play, push aside as quick as possible. White male shooter: crazy white guy, must be a Tea Party wacko. Funny how the spin works isn't it?

Facts: Fort Hood 12 killed, 31 injured. That's 43 total for the brainless sheep out there. Tucson: 6 dead, 14 injured. That's 20 for you know who:) Fort Hood casualties were double yet the press coverage was double for Tucson. Plus a pep rally along with T-shirts and a possible 2012 campaign slogan "Together we Thrive" "You never let a serious crisis go to waste" Isn't that warm and fuzzy?

I feel like I was tad too civil in this posting so.... The fucking libs will jump at any chance to promote their fucking socialist agenda. Which of course is some sort of gun control as well as a revised fairness doctrine to disarm and shut us up. They love to kill babies but winch at the thought of killing terrorist who want to destroy our country. They love the first amendment as long as you agree with them. They love that women and minorities are able to vote, but if you vote republican you aren't really black and of course you don't care about women's issues. You are too stupid to eat the right things so the First Lady needs to help you. You fat piece of shit!! Finally you are too stupid to figure out that "invest" is still spending money we don't have. Oh, wait! We love the communist ruled, baby killing on demand, go to prison if you are Christian, go to prison if you disagree, go to prison or be killed if you protest, Chinese Government. We have to or they will repossess our country.

Have a nice day!
Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl

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