Monday, August 22, 2011


It is kind of a joke with friends and family that I can relate anything to running, politics, religion, nutrition and Seinfeld. That's right Seinfeld, I love that show! I will try to focus on running and politics today but may slip in a few things relating to my other favorite subjects. In reality I truly believe everything relates to politics and religion, if you don't see that it is a conscience choice to ignore that fact. For my own personal entertainment I can come up with a Seinfeld episode that relates to just about anything. They covered many issues in all those years, from circumcision to abortion to the "pigmen". All very serious subjects. so let's talk about running and politics.

Running and Politics; two of my favorites! I'm sure it might have started earlier but for me it began in 2007 when the Chicago marathon was canceled in mid-run due to heat. No I wasn't running, I had about 10 team members there though. People who trained months to achieve a goal of finishing their first marathon, conquering their PR, finishing in honor of someone with a disease or qualifying for Boston. All very lofty goals, all very doable no matter what the weather. Since then it has happened over and over, small and large events. From Lewis and Clark marathon canceled because of storms and flooding to the Olathe marathon for a snowstorm. Heat is the main reason most of these endurance events are canceled. Just recently in Kansas City The Warrior Dash was canceled due to so-called extreme heat. Two people died and over fifty went to the hospital for heat related issues. If you Google "running events canceled due to weather" you will see dozens of stories like this. As I continue know that I am saddened that people have suffered and wish no one to have to go through those types of things but we must accept responsibility for our actions.

What does this have to due with politics? Everything!!! We have become such a litigious society everyone has to cover their ass. Who would have thought you could sue someone because their coffee was too hot? Just because someone was a dumbass and spilt their coffee in their lap it is the coffee suppliers fault. This was the McDonalds case of course, they have also been sued for creating lard asses. Remember the Seinfeld episode when Kramer spilt his coffee in the theater and sued the coffee house? Yes it is McDonalds fault these people stuffed their faces and spilt coffee on themselves. There's the case of the drunken women who drowned because she couldn't unfasten her seatbelt, her parents sued Honda and won $65 million. Fortunately it was thrown out on appeal. How about the two losers who sued Oliver Stone(who happens to belong in the piece of shit hall of fame) and Warner Brothers because the movie Natural Born Killers caused them to go on a crime spree. There is the women who sued Universal Studios because the haunted house was too scary. All of this shit is true, sadly. I could continue but what's the point. You get the idea, no one is responsible for their own actions it is always someone else's fault. Even in running events! That's right! Rock N Roll San Diego has been sued after a man died hours later. Bullshit!! There are Warrior Dash lawsuits pending as well and many other running related lawsuits.

How is this political?! You ask again! Well all of my conservative friends already know the answer. Over the last 100 years or so the liberals have done everything they can to take away personal responsibility. They have created a welfare state, they have made it fashionable to kill unwanted babies, they have made it a crime to take responsibility for your own medical care. The poor can buy a house even though they can't afford it, then blame the lender as being predators when they can't pay. If you are homeless and out of work it is the evil rich who are responsible because they won't hire more people. While at the same time the same people are spewing hate speech at the rich and wanting to tax them out of business. All led by liberal lawyers trying to make a buck, decrying the evil rich yet making more money than the so-called rich. We are an entitlement society, over 50% of the American population is on some type of government assistance. The bottom line, there is no more personal responsibility.

Let's talk about running, finally! If you get heat stroke or heat exhaustion or frostbite or have a heart attack during a run it is your fault. You chose to run!! If I pay for my race registration I want to run the race! I use the term "race" loosely, I am in no hurry. If there are people unprepared that have to stop so be it. Why do I and all the other people prepared and well trained have to stop. As in politics we have to make sacrifices for the minority. Fuck that!! I am responsible for ME! Not the idiot who didn't train or chose not to drink enough or eat enough. I know that sounds harsh, it's not that I don't feel for them I do. I just don't think everyone else should suffer because they fucked up. Personally I am tired of paying the price because of peoples poor decisions. You should be tired of it too. Not just running but in life. You are taxed because people want government handouts and want to sit on their ass. The run you trained 6 months to a year for is canceled because its too hot out, boo fuckin hoo, I want to keep running and take care of myself.

I have been wanting to address this subject for a while, then I got an email from NorthFace Endurance Challenge saying they would cancel the upcoming KC event if temps went over 95 degrees. That set me off a little. Over 95 in August!! How unexpected!! I thought this was The NorthFace Endurance Challenge not the Senior Citizen Dance. This is NorthFace!!! The adventure company, what the fuck?!?! I was ok with the rest of the email, telling people to carry their own water etc.... To call yourself an Endurance Challenge and then say if it gets too hot we are taking out ball and going home. What a bunch of pussies!! It all boils down to the fact that they don't want to get sued by some asshole looking to hit the "legal lottery" because it was hot and they didn't train or drink enough. Did you know there are two Seinfeld episodes that highlight the New York marathon?

So the next time you are forced to stop running because of the weather and you are pissed about it, think about your decisions in the voting booth.


Choose to Succeed

Koach Karl

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Let me start by saying as you read this don't take offense.  Just absorb and do a little self analysis.  I write this because over the years I have been the most arrogant person you could ever meet.  So I really am just sharing with you my experiences as well as my observations of the human race. I am or have been guilty of a lot of the things mentioned below.  I am not trying to judge, just trying to make you think about the things you do, that really do have consequences. I am posting this on both of my blogs because I feel it is relatable to both audiences, the few that there are.  This really came to a head for me just the other day.  I was listening to a Christian CD about building a strong marriage and how all problems in marriages boil down to Selfishness.  There is nothing more selfish than arrogance.  When you think about it, arrogance is the catalyst to most of our problems.  I hope you will see this as I continue.
Our Mind
Think about our day to day life and the trash we let seep into our mind or subconscious if you will.  From the television shows you watch, to the constant negativity from so-called friends.  We allow so much garbage into our mind that it piles up and begins to affect our lives with out us even realizing it.  That co-worker or friend makes you start thinking about all the negatives in your life.  The sex on T.V. makes you want something different than the loving spouse that you have committed to.  Paula and I just watched The Black Swan, why on earth anyone would want to watch this trash is beyond me.  This was nothing more than a self-involved fucking pity party.  It was a waste of my time!!  These are the types of movies that get "critical" acclaim, whatever the hell that means.  How about that mind control drug called The Disney Channel.  There are almost NO positive male role models and all the kids are smart-ass materialistic brats.  This is the main course in our children's minds, not the bible or the news or American history.  If you don't think this influences your kids your an idiot. What about pornography?  Infomercials?  Reality shows?  Fashion magazines? No I don't want Disney off the air or ban movies or books, as all of you know I am all about freedom and we are free to choose what we put in our minds.  Don't be so arrogant to think you or your kids can be subjected to this trash without some or all of it seeping into your minds and affecting you daily life and choices that you make. 
Our Body
As most of you know this is a very hot topic to me and my family, we spend hundreds of hours teaching people about whole food nutrition.  As endurance athletes we have at times abused our bodies.  So I will start with how some athletes abuse their bodies by pushing too much, too hard.  I have a hard time with this myself, I really have to listen to my body for signs of over training.  I know some of you out there are guilty of this as well.  Yes, I think we should try to test our limits.  We must be wise about it as well.  I know our bodies are capable of things we can't even imagine.  We must be intuitive towards our bodies.  On the other side of that there are people (most of the population and unfortunately a lot of athletes) who continually flood their bodies with chemicals and artificial literally killing themselves.  As a society we pollute our bodies daily with soda, coffee, tobacco, prescription drugs, processed foods, beer, wine, fast foods.....  All of these are accepted by society.  Yet these same people cringe at crack or heroin addicts. When in reality they are addicts as well, their drug is just accepted by society.  Not only are these addictions accepted in secular society they are also accepted in the Christian society.  It's ok to be gluttonous but don't lie to anyone? We are also feeding our kids these exact same things, in essence we are creating food addicts.  Though most of the things people eat isn't really food.  If what you eat is altered in anyway it isn't food, it is a food substance.  I could countinue down this road for hours but I won't.  My question is are we so arrogant and/or ignorant to think we can abuse our bodies, that are a blessing from God, and get away with it with no repercussions?  These same people are shocked when they have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancers, develop diabetes, Crohn's.....  We reap what we sow!!  These sickness that are attacking our population are all self inflicted and preventable.  Don't let your arrogance kill you or your kids. Through Gods plan and with prayer we can control our health.  Genesis 1:29!!  Read it, know it and live it!!  Your Body is a Miracle!!
Time to preach!!!  Amen brothers and sisters!!  I know what your thinking, is this the same guy who dropped the "F" bomb above!!  Damn right!!  I will jump right out and say anyone that says "I don't believe in God"  is an arrogant liar.  Yes I know, not very Christian of me.  If you don't believe in something why is it an issue?  The mere fact that people make that statement tells me they know there is a God they just choose not to follow him.  That's ok!  We are free to choose our path but don't lie to me or yourself and say there is no God.  Atheist and agnostics are Deniers.  There is no such thing as an atheist or agnostic, we are born with the innate knowledge of our Lord.  What you do with that knowledge is a choice.  I know it sounds cliché but no one can watch a sunrise or sunset, see a baby born, a flower bloom, eat an apple....without knowing there is a God.  These things are not an accident or big bang or any other theory you want to pretend to believe in.  The fact is people deny God so they can live by the saying "if it feels good do it".  The liberal credo:)  The denier doesn't want to be held accountable for their actions so they tell themselves there is no God therefore no consequences.  I feel this is the ultimate in arrogance. 
You didn't think I could talk about arrogance without mentioning the elitist arrogant liberals!  If you believe that liberals are genuine then they are either arrogant or fucking idiots.  Liberals, our current president included, have tried their policies over and over with the same disastrous results, yet they still believe in these policies.  It has been proven time and again throughout history that Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Dictatorships...... do not work!!  They bankrupt the government and create poverty.  Yet year after year liberals try to take over businesses, healthcare, insurance.... all in the name of helping the poor and downtrodden.   Arrogance or idiots? You decide.  If they aren't genuine, which is my belief, then they are elitist arrogant asshole who want to control our lives.  Either way they suck and need to be stopped.
The solution is simple.  Read Gods word to fill your mind and soul.  Eat Gods food to nourish your body.  It's really quite simple but the simplest things can be the hardest.  Keep God first, stay in pray and you can conquer anything.  What do we do about the liberal?  Pray for them, they are Gods children, I guess.
God Bless
Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl

Monday, June 6, 2011

Anthony's Weiner

Oh the trials and tribulations of Weiner, as with all liberals/democrats he is a victim. That is the liberal badge of honor "victim". If you are a democrat, vote democrat, support liberal causes.... you are either a "victim" or you "care about the victim". Which of course is all a load of shit!! I really don't understand what all the uproar is about when it comes to Weiner. Democrats can due just about anything and get away with it. Weiner's "crime"; being a dumbass. Anything you do on social media will come back to you, bad or good. Did he do anything wrong really? According to the liberal media and his democratic constituents, absolutely not. That's the way it is when you are serving in any public office as a democrat. It does make sense, democrats/liberals have no moral compass so how can you do anything ethically or morally wrong? For you libs reading this don't go off on a rant until you do your research. Democrats historically can do just about anything they want.

From lying under oath to manslaughter, it really doesn't matter as long as they continue to promote and vote for government handouts and killing babies their jobs are secure. Clinton lied under oath, yes it was about sex but he still lied under oath. Most importantly because of his corrupt ways an innocent woman didn't get her day in court. Whether he was guilty of rape, sexual harassment, being a man-whore..... is irrelevant, let a jury decide. The Monica scandal was his down fall, sort of. I could care less what he does with a willing partner, that is between him and his wife. I would've never voted for him because of his policies. None of the things he did kept democrats from supporting him. Why? Because liberals have no moral compass and they don't want one. That is their out when they are busted doing something wrong. "Well I didn't run on family values" so they believe they shouldn't be held accountable for ethical or moral indiscretions. Sometimes even breaking the law, like perjury or in the case of Teddy, manslaughter. I feel it was murder because ol'Teddy chose to leave the scene and let that poor woman die. Yet he was re-elected over and over. Go figure. Then we have Barney Frank, an embarrassment to gays everywhere. This little bitch ran a male prostitute ring out of his apartment!!! Yes it was his boy friend but Barney knew. Would you miss a prostitution ring in your apartment! If he didn't know that is even more of a disqualification for office, because then he isn't a criminal he is a fucking idiot!!. Again he is re-elected. It is hard to blame him, it is the brain-dead in his district. Nancy Pelosi is just an out and out idiot!! Yet she owns that liberal infestation of San Fran. Maxine Waters has been under a pending ethics investigation for over a year. I can easily predict she will be re-elected. She is a two'fer in the "victim" status, black and a women. She can do just about anything!! I could go on and on here, Sharpton, Jackson, Dodd, Issa, Gore, Geithner....the list is long and unpunished. Why should they be? Nothing is expected of them.

On the other side, Larry Craig taps his foot and is out of office. Trent Lott praised senator Thurmond and is a racist and MUST step down as leader of the party. Yet Byrd, a KKK leader, is re-elected and praised in his death. Representative Chris Lee sends a photo without his shirt and steps down. Why? Because he represents people with a moral compass, republicans.

Back to Anthony's Weiner. Nothing will become of this because he, in the eyes of the liberal media and his constituents, has done nothing wrong. Weiner could have sent a video of him jerking off and nothing would have happened. As long as his constituents keep getting their handouts, can kill their babies, can be openly gay in the military, punish the rich, persecute Christians.....then they really don't care what he does.

For myself, my moral compass has been off course and sent me shipwrecked many times. I am not running for office and I would like my political leaders to be a little better than me. That is one of the MANY differences between conservatives and liberals. Liberals want someone to make them feel good about there lack of morals and ethics, Conservatives want someone they can aspire to emulate to better themselves as Americans and human beings.

Choose to Succeed

Koach Karl

Monday, April 18, 2011


Last week Obama came out with his economic plan. It wasn't a planas much as it was a campaign speech and he also said the same old democrat mantra "tax the rich". One thing the spineless Marxist said got me to think, in my warped sense of humor way, we have become a nation of Alan's. Now if you don't watch the show this won't make much sense. What the Marxist said was "we don't begrudge the rich their success, we embrace it." This takes me to Alan, a pathetic loser who blames everyone but himself for all of his so called problems. While at the same time condescends to Charlie, who is successful and self sufficient, about his man-whore life style. Yes Charlie drinks, gambles and sleeps with a lot of women. He has many issues, but again is self sufficient. Alan lives in Charlie's house, pays no rent, barrows money from Charlie, has been know to steal from Charlie, He still has the nerve to get on his soapbox about Charlie's life, claiming to "care" about him. In reality he is jealous and envious, he jumps at the very few chances he gets to live the life of Charlie. Then of course justifies it by saying he "deserves" it. If you can't tell I thoroughly hate Alan, the character not the actor. He is everything that is wrong with this country. He has made a series of bad choices and blames everyone around him for them. At the same time thinks he "deserves" better. We deserve nothing but our freedom. If we have our freedom, not what we have today, the freedom that was give to us by God and The U. S. Constitution, we will succeed on our own hard work. Not the hard work of others.

The statement Obama made is very much like the attitude of Alan and over 50% of the people in this country. Over 50% of the country receive some sort of government handout. Obama and the deadbeats that sponge off the government "embrace" other peoples success only to take from them what they have worked hard for. This hatred for the rich always confuses me, the so called rich are the ones that employ the rest of us. The same is true with the sitcom 2 !/2 Men. Alan truly hates Charlie for his success in life, yet claims to love him. Not only does Alan sponge of of Charlie he has been know to steal from him and a few times wished him dead with the hopes of inheriting his money and house. The federal government does the same thing to the successful people in this country. People that make over $250,000, which isn't rich, are taxed up to 60% in some states. Then when they die the government goes after their estate. Their Estate!! Which has already been taxed at least 2-3 times, throughout the course of the persons life. Does that make any sense to you? If it does you are a fucked up individual!!

Unfortunately our country is producing more and more Alan's, by design. Yes in my opinion, which I have stated before, this is happening on purpose. The more people dependant on the government the more people will vote for candidates that promise them handouts. The more handouts the more dependant they are, it is a vicious circle. A vicious circle of taking from the productive people in our country and giving it to the "have not's" or as I like to call them the lazy fucks!

During his campaign speech, I mean his economic speech Obama said the "rich need to pay their fair share". What kind of shit is that?!!! The so called "rich" already pay a minimum of 35% of their money to local, state and federal government. As I stated before in some states they pay up to 60% of their income to some form of government. 60%!!!!!!!! Their fair share!! Fair? How does anyone think like this? How do you think it is "fair" to take over 50% of someones hard earned money? Personally I don't make a lot of money, I never have. That has never been my objective, I get by happily. That being said, aside from the Marine's, all of my money came from the so called rich. Now that I think about while I was in the Marine's the rich was paying me as well, they are the ones who pay all the taxes.

Let me close with this, Obama and the dems want to take money from the people who work and give it to their voting base. They are literally buying votes! If you don't see that you're an idiot. To all you Alan's out there get off your ass and take care of yourself!!!

Have a Nice Day

Choose to Succeed

Koach Karl

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Pastor Terry Jones has stated that he wanted to bring attention to the fact that Radical Islam was violent by burning the Quran. To most of you reading this you're thinking "no shit"! Anyone with a logical mind knows that Radical Islam is a violent terrorist organization. Most of the terrorist acts committed in the world are by Muslims. That isn't my feeling, that is a fact. Aside from all of that, is the act of burning the Quran protected free speech? Is Pastor Jones responsible for the killing that took place thousands of miles away by rioting Muslims? Are abortion providers responsible for the violence that has been inflicted on some of them by Radical Pro-Lifers? Pastor Jones is protected by the First Amendment, abortion providers are protected by the Supreme Court, so they have the right to do what they are doing or did. Now some Senators are thinking about trying to go after Pastor Jones. Why don't they go after the baby killers? I think both Pastor Jones and the baby killers are wrong but they are not doing anything illegal. No I'm not equating the two. I can not understand killing a baby under any circumstances. I can however understand being so frustrated with the political correctness of our society that the need to do something to get the attention of the Government and society blurs ones judgment. I don't agree with what Pastor Jones has done but he has every right to do it.

As I have stated in previous postings it's OK to burn the Bible as they did in Afghanistan as a show of tolerance, but look at a Muslim cross-eyed and you are a racist, bigoted hate monger. As a Christian, Conservative, white guy this kind of stuff really makes me lose my fuckin mind!! You can say anything negative about Christians, Conservatives or white people and you get a free pass. Christians especially!! You can shit on pictures of Jesus and call it art, you can say Conservatives want to kill old people and children and the media actually takes it serious, and as we know all white people are racist unless they are liberals. Things like this happen everyday in America, it is rarely reported and little is thought about it.

Look at the problems in Wisconsin, the Unions bus in protestors who DO commit acts of violence and vandalism. Not much is said about all of that. Let the Tea Party have a peaceful get together and they are falsely accused of racism, violence, vandalism.... none of which happened. They even clean up when they leave a venue, unlike the piggish Union protestors who completely trashed the Wisconsin capital.

Let's be clear Radical Islam needs no reason to kill and destroy, just the fact that we are free and breathing infuriates them. I'm sure the stuff I write pisses of some raghead somewhere. By trying to find a way to punish Jones is exactly what the Radical Muslims want. Just like the unconstitutional searches at the airport, they love it! Burning the Quran is just a media attention getter for both Pastor Jones and the Terrorists. As a Christian I don't understand Pastor Jones, burning the Quran is hateful, he is free to be hateful. The same as the Klan or the Black Panthers, both are hate groups but they have the right to hate. You can't control someones thoughts, though that is the direction we are going. There will always be hate and there will always be love, the love of Jesus will win in the end. As Americans we have to honor the Constitution as a whole, not just the parts we agree with. As Christians we are tolerant of all religions, though is is our responsibility to bring people to Jesus with our personal testimony. As of right now we are still free to do that.

Pastor Jones isn't responsible for any deaths in Afghanistan or anywhere else. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. Call me silly but beheading someone is a choice. I don't think anyone forced them to to do that. Of course the libs are all about choice, they will probably try to make beheadings legal for certain people, Pro-Choice you know. I am so fuckin funny!!! Speaking of choice, Bobby Guosh from Time Magazine made the statement that the Quran was sacred because the Muslims believe it to be "The word of God", not written by men like the Bible. Not only is this insulting to Christians, it is total ignorance!! My whole Christian faith, as well as every other Christian I know, is based on the fact that the Bible is "The Word of GOD"!! Bobby is an asshole!!

I was kind of rambling but I'm sure you get my point.

Bottom line; Ignore Pastor Jones he didn't kill anyone, he is an idiot and has every right to be. Kill all Radical Muslims before they kill us, the only logical solution.

Have a nice day.

Choose to Succeed

Koach Karl

Friday, March 25, 2011


There are many things threatening the stability of our great country right now. Politicians and pundits all have voiced their opinions on many of these problems. What are the problems? I think the problems vary depending on if you are liberal or conservative, though we can agree on most. What we can't agree on is the solutions. The problems; Deficit, Unemployment, Border security, Growing Government take over, Failing Education system, No current Budget in place as of the last 2 years, Now involved in 3 military actions...... The list goes on and on, I think it boils down to Spending and Security. What do we do? It really is simple. The problem is that no one, republican or democrat, wants to make the tough decisions or the big cuts to our HUGE Government. Here is what I recommend. I think even my conservative friends will resist some of this. All I ask is keep an open mind a when in doubt read the Constitution!

Of course cutting spending is always a fearful task for a politician, they all have their pet projects. Well I'm not a politician, I am a concerned American. So let's cut the obvious. Now I won't explain these first cuts because in my opinion they need no explanation. If you think they do you're an idiot! Eliminate funding for; Planned Parenthood ($350 million per year), National Endowment of the Arts ($160 million), Corporation for Public Broadcasting ($430 million), NASCAR ($32 million). No farm subsidies, no funding for sports arenas, urban gardens, youth programs, homeless shelters, overseas abortions, Amtrak, Postal Service....No foreign aid, which totals over $8 billion a year. No financial support to any Universities, education is not a right. So no tuition funding of any kind from the Government. If you get a loan for college then you pay it back with interest. Just like any other loan. I would also cut the pay of ALL Government employees, to include elected officials except the President, to $150,000. No one being paid by taxes payers should make more than that. If you want to make more than that go to the private sector. I am all about Capitalism!! I don't care if a private company pays it's CEO One Trillion dollars, if they make it they can spend it how they see fit. The Government doesn't "make" any profit. Everything that the Government does is paid for by the American tax payer.

The Department of Education, here I would do as I stated above. Cut the pay of the Administrators to $100,000. Then I would incorporate merit pay for teachers giving them a chance at the big pay up to $100,000. Teachers would be paid and rehired based on performance, not tenure. Performance? Welcome to the real world!

Department of Defense, same as above. I would pull out all military in other countries. If we are there as a security force then that country better be paying our expenses. No profit just expenses. I know my fellow military people are freaking out!! Relax and let me explain, some of you still won't be happy. The militaries job is to defend the U.S.A., that's it. They are not meals on wheels or any other humanitarian cause. There job is to kill the enemy with extreme prejudice!! That is exactly what I would have them do, kill the enemy. If there is a threat to our country by terrorist, dictator... I would run covert ops and assassinate the leaders involved. No I wouldn't cut troops because you never know when the next major war is going to happen. I would make efficiency cuts though. If you have been in the military you know that the Government pays outrageous prices for equipment. I would put a stop to that. The military would be covered medically for the rest of their life IF they served in combat. People like me who didn't see combat doesn't need or deserve this benifit. Unless they are disabled in the line of duty.

Welfare and Medicaid will total, with the new Obama proposals, over $10 trillion the next 10 years. I'm very sorry, I really am, but these are not rights contrary to what the libs tell you. These types of things should and would be covered by churches and other charities. Over $20 billion a year is spent on illegal immigrants, that would be cut out. I'm so mean! Unemployment would be for 6 months, no exceptions! It is not the Governments job to pay you a salary!

I would abolish the IRS!! That would save billions!! Why would I do that? I don't believe the Government has a right to tax our base income. I'm ok with taxing goods and services, sort of:) The Government has no right to know how much money anyone makes. The tax code should be easy enough so a high school graduate could do it. GOD only wants 10% but the Government wants up to 60%. Doesn't that worry anyone else? All Government services, with my cuts :), could be paid for through sales tax. No property tax every year, you pay for it once it is taxed once. I know that is a strange concept. I could go on and on about taxes but that is the short form:)

As Americans we are supposed to be self reliant, not dependant on the Government. Non of the above, according to the Constitution, are rights. You are guaranteed the right to Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness. It is up to us to make a life, good or bad, not the Governments job. I'm sure there are more things I could cut. Unfortunately no one has the courage to make half of these. This is a dream list. Like the list you make if you were to win the lottery. You know we all do it. List everything we would do if we won the Lotto. I do it too, the problem is I don't every play the Lotto:) I will see the Jackpot on a billboard and then daydream about what I would do. I guess I should by a Lotto ticket, I have a better chance of winning the Lotto than our Government being run the way the Constitution intended.

I didn't even curse today, what a good boy am I:)

Choose to Succeed

Koach Karl

Friday, March 4, 2011


Let's start off with the Wisconsin debacle, or should I say "I'm taking my ball and going home". That seems to be the democrats answer to a bill they don't like, they didn't go home they fled the state. What a bunch of whiny little bitches!! Listen I don't think the republicans did enough to stop ObamaCare but at least they voted and did their job. Speaking of doing your job, if you call in sick and get a fake doctors note and everyone knew about it and you were on T.V. and did all of this in the name of caring about your job; would you be fired? Everyone in the private sector would!! If you are a Union member fighting for more pay and benefits than the average American, who also will be footing the bill, you won't. These so-called "teachers" who supposedly care about the kids and schools that their whine fest shut down for a week, care about nothing more than milking the tax payer for their "rights". Let me do my disclaimer: My wife is a teacher. That's right! Since when is it a right to get healthcare and not pay for it? Don't say ObamaCare because it is already costing plenty! They tried the same shit in New Jersey with Christie, he wanted them to pay 1.5% of their health care. 1.5%!!!!!!!! Who out their in the private sector wouldn't jump at the chance to have a job like that. All we hear about is how under paid the poor teacher is. The "poor" teacher makes more than the average American and that doesn't include the thousands of dollars in benefits. They also get all holidays and summers off, cry me a fucking river! All paid for by the American worker.

Let's talk about the protesters. There has been violence and destruction of property, they even attacked a Congressman trying to go to work. Yet none of this is reported by the main stream media. In contrast with the Tea Party Rally's, where the only violence was caused by SEIU thugs. They didn't trash there locations the way the Union protesters have trashed the Wisconsin Capitol. Yet all you heard from the media was it was violent and of course racist, the liberal trump card. If libs can't debate it or explain it, it must be racist. As I write this the childish Dems are still gone. Who's paying for their little trip?

Just announced today, unemployment plummeted to 8.9%! 8.9% and all the Obama sycophants are having orgasms. 8.9%!!!! When Bush was in office if unemployment crept up to 5% the damn sky was falling, Social Security was bankrupt, homeless would die instantly..... if Bush didn't raise taxes on the "rich" it would be Armageddon!! Were supposed to be excited about 8.9% unemployment? I thought unemployment would never go above 8% if the Stimulus bill was passed. The Stimulus Bill passed and created virtually no jobs. What about all of the "shovel ready jobs"? Which later Obama said there is no such thing as a "shovel ready job". Could it be that, I don't know that Obama is a lying, worthless piece of shit? Either that or he is a Marxist who wants to "fundamentally change America" , that's what the man said. Just quoting the president:)

Gas prices are currently $3.30ish depending on your location in the country. When Bush was in office it topped out around $3.85 or so and of course Bush was in bed with the oil companies laughing all the way to the bank. Yet the media doesn't make much of the current prices, which have more than double since Obama has taken office. ????? Can you really say, with a straight face, that there is no bias in the media. We don't do the daily "dead solder count", even though solders are still dying in combat. Remember how CNN practically had a party when the body count hit 3000. The important thing to remember is that they media/liberals could care less about a dead solder, unless it can help them politically. That is the ONLY time libs support the military, when it can win political points. These are the same people that spit on Vietnam Vets and called them baby killers, they are now running our government and the media. No not Obama, he was going to Muslim school in Indonesia. I think? We really don't know much about our president. Does that concern anyone else?

In closing Unions suck, most teachers suck, Obama sucks, the media sucks, but unemployment is 8.9% and gas is only $3.30. Lets have a fucking party!!!

Choose to Succeed

Koach Karl

Friday, February 11, 2011


Now I know there are more important things to talk about right now, Egypt, health care, national debt, Obama kicking his smoking habit........ This subject is important to ME, since I'm writing this I get to talk about what I want. Of course you don't have to read it:) The few that do I thank you for that.

This started for me a long time ago with the Political Correct police, commonly know as liberal free speech oppressors. It started with race, then ventured into religion(Christianity is exempt, you can say and do anything to them), of course we can't say anything about being gay, transgender, bisexual...... or tricycles. So PC is everywhere in our so called free lives. As you know I am a big believer in free speech, I don't care who you hate, make fun of..... contrary to what liberals tell you words don't hurt. You let words hurt you and the majority of our country is at the ready to be offended. We all need a little thicker skin. I like jokes about everyone, including my White Trash (WT) ancestors. They are fun and easy to abuse. Of course they are white so everyone can make fun of them and no one cares. I think what the WT needs to do is become Muslim then they would never be mocked or ridiculed. Can you imagine what they could do with a turban:):)!!

OK, let's get to the catalyst of this topic. It kicked off last week with Kenneth Cole's very offensive Tweet, tying his spring collection with the riots in Egypt. He said something along the lines of the reason they are in a uproar is they found out they could get his spring collection on a local website. THAT'S FUNNY!!!! Now really what did that hurt, did it affect the uprising in Egypt? Fuck no!!! But the Tweeters were on fire and offended. Lets not forget just the fact that you "Tweet" is funny, that is so gay! No I don't "Tweet", Paula does and she set up an account for me but I can't bring myself to use it. Just the name sounds like you must be castrated to be a Tweeter:) I crack me up!!!:):) Back to Kenneth Cole, he got a lot of publicity, mostly bad. Of course he apologized. People were talking about it though. So he accomplished his goal. ATTENTION! Good for him! To me what he did was mild in comparison to the practically nude children these people put in magazines and billboards. That's OK though, it's art. You know like urine on Jesus, this of course was government funded. I digress.

The next is the hilarious Groupon Tibet commercial!! When this commercial opened during the Super Bowl, I thought "give me a break! I'm trying to have fun and enjoy this and you want to bring me down" It's like those Feed the Children commercials, how depressing can you get. And by the way our family does support a Third World Child. I'm not opposed to this stuff I just don't want it to spoil my good time. It offends me:) This commercial was a smart and funny, it pulled me in and then slapped me with a punch line. That is fun!! Which is the main reason I watch the Super Bowl, to have fun. I don't set around waiting to be offended. Speaking of offended, one of the commercials you didn't see was John 3:16. Go to You Tube and search John 3:16 and you will find this extremely offensive and controversial commercial.

I think I made my point. So all you thin skinned, pussy liberals lighten up. You can make fun of more than just Christians and Conservatives. Everyone is fair game you self involved, pompous, arrogant....wait!!  I can forgo all of those and just start calling you Obama's:):):)  Now that's funny.

Choose to Succeed

Koach Karl

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Let me start by saying that my heart goes out to all involved in both of these shootings. My statements are not intended to make light of these horrible acts of violence. The loss of any American breaks my heart. Yes I morn all loss of life but I am an unapologetic American and like it or not Americans come first to me!! The fact that someone opened fire on solders at Fort Hood, being a former Marine, infuriates me and I want justice! Second, the attempt on Congress Women Giffords is also an attempt to destroy our Republic. I don't take that lightly. Yes she is a dem, but she is one of our elected officials and we have to prosecute anyone who does something like this to the max. I'm sure I disagree with her politically but I would be the first in line to take the bullet. And I'm sure any other conservative Marine would do the same. That is just how we are wired. It doesn't matter what their politics, they are OUR elected officials!! No body fucks with them!! We disagree and debate, then solve our arguments at the ballot box. That's America baby!! That's why we are the greatest country in the world.

Now that all being said we really must contrast and compare these two shootings. Why did one receive no visit from our current president, of course G.W. visited Fort Hood, while the other had a organized pep rally/memorial service? Why did the media focus so much on the victims in one and not the other? Why did the media jump to conclusions in one and didn't "rush to judgment" in the other? I have been wondering about these questions and more myself. Well here's my take on the situation, for what it's worth.:)

Fort Hood: Didn't receive a visit from the current president because he could give a fuck less about our solders. It is known, a sweeping statement, that libs loathe the military. That was actually the very word Bill Clinton once used. So dead solders don't upset our president too much, unless there is a photo op in it for him. Obama's reaction was "we shouldn't rush to judgment" , very powerful don't you think. The media? Well again with the liberal media they don't care about any dead solders, unless of course there is a Republican in office then we do a daily body count. Have you seen one of those lately? Apparently when Obama took office our solders stopped dying. I rest my case!! Why did they listen to Obama and not rush to judgment? Simple, the shooter was a liberal wet dream! He was a Muslim, he was against the wars, he was a psychiatrist who always finds a good excuse for all the wrong the libs do. As it turns out Hasan was basically a Muslim terrorist. He had radical web postings, he was pissed that he was going to be deployed to combat. Fort Hood body count: 12 dead, 31 wounded.

Tucson: Why the pep rally? Right now the Obama administration is at war with Arizona, so to bring shine a light on the state for violence is politically expedient. Remember: "you never want a serious crisis go to go to waste" Rahm Emanuel The victims? Well solders, versus a democratic rally? This is a no brainer for anyone with a brain, so I will explain it to the liberals. Solders are everything the libs "loathe" while a democratic rally is a chance for "hope and change" :) While rushing to judgment the libs, media and politicians, thought this was there big opportunity. Loughner was a white male, so unless you are a lib, a white male is a Tea Party racist! For the brainless it was a natural conclusion. WRONG!!! He basically was apolitical. His history was liberal, then more anarchist.

So what have we learned here? Muslim shooter: don't rush to judgment, down play, push aside as quick as possible. White male shooter: crazy white guy, must be a Tea Party wacko. Funny how the spin works isn't it?

Facts: Fort Hood 12 killed, 31 injured. That's 43 total for the brainless sheep out there. Tucson: 6 dead, 14 injured. That's 20 for you know who:) Fort Hood casualties were double yet the press coverage was double for Tucson. Plus a pep rally along with T-shirts and a possible 2012 campaign slogan "Together we Thrive" "You never let a serious crisis go to waste" Isn't that warm and fuzzy?

I feel like I was tad too civil in this posting so.... The fucking libs will jump at any chance to promote their fucking socialist agenda. Which of course is some sort of gun control as well as a revised fairness doctrine to disarm and shut us up. They love to kill babies but winch at the thought of killing terrorist who want to destroy our country. They love the first amendment as long as you agree with them. They love that women and minorities are able to vote, but if you vote republican you aren't really black and of course you don't care about women's issues. You are too stupid to eat the right things so the First Lady needs to help you. You fat piece of shit!! Finally you are too stupid to figure out that "invest" is still spending money we don't have. Oh, wait! We love the communist ruled, baby killing on demand, go to prison if you are Christian, go to prison if you disagree, go to prison or be killed if you protest, Chinese Government. We have to or they will repossess our country.

Have a nice day!
Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It's been less than a week since the tragic events in Arizona, yet within hours the liberals were trying to blame conservatives, to promote their political agenda. Liberals will stop at nothing to advance their Socialist agenda! They use kids, dead people, dying people, people who don't exist (can you say ACORN)...... The list is endless. They will manipulate, lie and distort the truth to throw up a smoke screen to hide their real intentions. CONTROL!!! Over you and me! All of this rhetoric has nothing to do with their concern over the congress woman or the safety of the American people, it is nothing more than a power grab. Plain and simple!! They would have used the killing of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chapaquitic/Chappaquiddick to restrict access to Islands if a conservative had acted as the gutless Teddy did.

So now we aren't suppose to use words like; crosshairs, lock and load, targeting, target, targeted, free speech, free press, FREEDOM.....:) Basically once again if the libs don't like it you shouldn't use it. SPEECH had nothing to do with the murdering rampage by Loughner, certainly not speech from the right. If anyone has a monopoly on hate and violent speech it is the hypocritical left! They have wished Rush dead, Bush dead.....hell they even made a movie about Bush's assasination. You heard NO out cry from the worthless media about that. The libs can't go a month without wishing ill of a conservative; Wanda Sykes hoped Rush would die from kidney failure, A New York Times columnist wrote " I wish all conservatives would die".....I could go on but it becomes redundant. Personally I could care less what these people have to say, they have free speech just like everyone else, unless you are a conservative of course. Saying "I'm targeting" someones campaign is not threatning. It's politics! It's no worse than " If they bring a knife to the fight, We bring a gun" this warm and fuzzy statement was made by our President. Which is his right to say. My problem with it is that it isn't very Presidential but saying that about Obama becomes redundant as well. The main problem I have with this statement is that he didn't say it about the Taliban or Al-Qaeda or Russia, China, Cuba.... No he said it about fellow Americans who happen to be conservative and disagree with his policies. He still have the right to spew hateful rhetoric, though again it isn't Presidential.

Don't sacrifice freedom for supposed security!! They are already coming after our guns. As I write this a gutless republican is working on a bill to limit gun rights. A kneejerk reaction to this idiot, Loughner, shooting up a mall. We need to prosecute the person responsible for the crime, period. Not his thought, not his views, not what he watched on TV....... He is responsible! Apparently he has been threat for a couple of years. He didn't watch TV, he didn't listen to talk radio (sorry you liberal fucks!) he is a wacked out worthless, evil, piece of shit who went on a shooting spree. He should be punished to the full extent of the law!!

What is funny is that the libs are calling for censoring of talk radio and conservative speech, which had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting, but they cringe when you mention toning down the sex and violence on TV or in the movies. How about violent video games!!! They could have been the cause of this. Look at all the killing in some of the games out there! Bullshit!! Again it is individual responsibility. Unlike liberals, I believe in Freedom of Speech, even if I don't agree with it. Even if it makes me sick to my stomach. OK just hearing a liberal speak makes me sick to my stomach. They still have that freedom. If you don't agree with someone don't listen! If they hold political office, work to get them voted out. STOP YOUR FUCKING WHINING AND KEEP YOU LIBERAL PUSSY HANDS OFF OF MY FREEDOM!!!!

Have a nice day

Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl

Thursday, January 6, 2011


We are in the first week of the New Year! How many of you have already broke your "New Years Resolutions"? No I'm really not trying to be negative. The stats speak loud and clear. More power to you if you have, over the years, been successful at a New Years Resolution. Most people aren't. Why is that? There are of course many theories on the subject, most are of the "warm and fuzzy" mind set. Here's my take; If it is important to you, why would wait another day to make that change? Bottom line it's just not a priority! No matter if it is quit smoking, lose weight, work on your temper, stop drinking.... The list is endless and we all have things we need to work on. So why wait? There is no better time than NOW. If that flaw comes to light at the New Year so be it. It doesn't usually happen that way.

We should always try and improve ourselves whether it is physical, emotional, spiritual.... We shouldn't put it off until we can jump on some group think band wagon to make that improvement. Step up and make that change when the flaw is recognized.

From a health and wellness perspective, having been in the gym business for over 10 years, health clubs count on your non-commitment. 90% of the people that join a health club the first week of the New Year drop out after 6 weeks. You keep paying, the club keeps collecting, you just stop going. Nice racket. In the health industries defense, it's not their fault people stop going. We are all responsible for our own actions. I know that isn't a popular statement in this age of "blame everyone but me". You know like "predatory creditors".

Change is hard but necessary if we want to be better people. I see things in myself everyday that I should change, if it is important to me I make it happen. If not I may talk about it, whine and feel sorry for myself. That doesn't last long for me but we all do it and wonder why we "can't" change. You can change if you want. I will give you a personal example; Back in August, I think, we were setting in church and I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I wasn't giving enough to the church. Yes we would always put a little in the offering each week but never 10% as instructed in the bible. Do I believe the bible? YES! Do I think you or I would go to Hell if we don't Tithe? NO! I don't think you should give out of guilt, I think you should give "with a joyful heart" out of love for Christ. So, every since we have tithed. I know some won't believe this, after we started tithing our financial life became a walk in the park. I'm serious! I picked up a few new clients, Paula had a unique teaching opportunity. Things just happened. Will we hit tough times in the future? Anything is possible. But we have faith that GOD will provide. OK, didn't mean to start preaching just wanted to share that experience. My point is We didn't wait until the New Year or the next month we made the change right then. Why? Because it was important to us.

I'm sure some of you are wondering what this has to do with politics or running for that matter, since I am posting this on both of my blogs.

Running: I plan most of my upcoming year in October and November, mostly because of training. I do enter a few things last minute but I usually have my year planned out well before the New Year. I make "changes" as I see the need. It might be speed, strength, agility.... Depends on the events I have chosen and the terrain I will be competing on. If I feel I need to tweak my nutrition or training I do it when the need arises, not the New Year.

Politics: Get involved now!! Don't wait until the next election or until you "have time". Do it now! That advice is for conservatives, liberals stay home and watch Oprah and The View and collect your government cheese:) I couldn't help myself.

Change can be good.

GOD Bless all of you, even the libs. I hope you have a wonderful an prosperous New Year.

Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl