Thursday, December 9, 2010



What can you say about this? I am a freedom person but when it can cause damage to my country I'm torn. First the scumbag that released this info to the WIKILEAKS is definitely a TRAITOR. Bradley Manning, what a fag!! Yes I will make many gay jokes:) This piece of shit released classified material because he was depressed and confused, I get confused about a lot of stuff but I'm not selling out my country. Maybe he did it knowing he would get caught, looking forward to the prison gangbang:) I really don't know his motivation, all I do know is he should be SHOT for Treason!! Maybe he is pissed that Cabaret hasn't been released on BlueRay, who the fuck knows! Maybe he didn't like the latest episode of Glee. OR maybe he is fucking WIKILEAKS front man Julian Assange, what a gay name:) Seriously have you seen this guy, you might as well tattoo PERV on his forehead. Then he is arrested for rape, big surprise. Coincident? Of course not, they are trying to shut him up. What needs to be done is to take this guy out. This is espionage, plan and simple. Of course nothing will be done to this spineless bitch because the Obama administration is too busy trying to bring a lawsuit against Arizona for enforcing the law. Very confusing? If I were gay I might sell out my country:)


This compromise on both sides of the aisle is a joke. I really wish the republicans would stand firm and not be baited into the old "republicans hate the poor and middle class", "they want the elderly to eat dog food", "they want to take food away from the children" whatever the catch phrase it is "class warfare". The worse part is it is all a fucking lie!! Republicans want to bring people out of poverty not enable them and keep them there. What does this have to do with tax cuts? EVERYTHING!! They are bashed for wanting tax cuts for the wealthy or who I call "job creators". I also hate that the dems say "we can't afford it" IT IS NOT THE GOVERNMENTS MONEY!!! It is the working peoples money, cut the budget and they wouldn't need more money. Stop spending tax dollars on stupid shit: voicemail for the homeless, teaching salsa making, Remounting "The Worlds Largest Mounted Fish", searching for Alaskan Ice Worms. All of those are real!! That is just the beginning, I don't have enough room for all your wasted money. By the way, this is not a "tax cut", this is keeping the tax code the same as it is. The big difference? They want to extend unemployment for ANOTHER 13 months along with this. THREE YEARS of unemployment!! That will motivate the person living off the government to get a job. don't you think? Answer!! Make the tax cuts permanent and make unemployment benefits last ONLY 6 months. Create a little urgency to get a job for gosh sakes! One last thought about taxes; Why is Wesley Snipes going to prison for tax evasion and Barney Frank is not?  something to think about.  I think Barney would love prison:) NO I made enough gay jokes above


Why isn't the main stream media all up in arms about the rising gas prices? Gas prices have increased on average of 12 cents in the past 4 days, THAT'S FOUR DAYS! Yet it isn't the top story for CNN, MSNBC...... When Bush was in office if gas prices went up 5 cents is was covered by everyone and it was president Bush's fault. He was in bed with the oil companies and selling out middle America. Well where is the outrage!! The national average is around $3!! Where the fuck is the outrage!! The last month of Bush's presidency the national average was $1.81, now it is $3. Oil was $45 a barrel December 4 2008, it is now just under $90. DOUBLE!! See if they cover that tonight on your local news.

Choose to Succeed

Koach Karl

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