Friday, October 1, 2010


Jesus was the son of GOD!! That's a fact!? Do you agree with that statement? I am a Christian and I don't agree with the COMPLETE statement. I do believe that Jesus is/was the son of GOD. Is there scientific evidence to prove that? In my opinion, NO. Though I believe it with all my heart and soul. I have no doubt Jesus was sent here to save us from ourselves/sin, one and the same:) No I'm not going to preach to you. My point is that over the last 100 or so years, probably more, we have mistaken fact with faith. I'm sure all of my Christian friends out there are think "he better be careful here" , don't worry. I'm here to bash liberals not Christians, that's the media and the democrats full time job. Oh, I hear you , "there are liberal Christians" well in my opinion there is no way you can be a Christian and support the liberal agenda. That in itself should piss off a few of you, so stew in it:) I am just saying that faith in something is much different than hard scientific fact. Case in point, a report just came out today  that the conservationist have over estimated the number of extinct animals. That just got me thinking about all the other liberal beliefs, that's what they are not fact based. Now keep in mind that these are the same people that want us to stop breathing, dangerous CO2, to save the earth:) One of the many "religious" beliefs of the left, Global Warming. There isn't any real scientific fact to back up Global Warming, it is all faith in scientific "consensus". I thought science was based on theory, leading to facts. Not a consensus of a bunch of left wing wackos with the same agenda. Not only do the libs have faith in Global Warming they worship at the feet of that moron Al Gore, who happens to own the company that sells "carbon credits". What ever the fuck that is!!

Let's look at the last 100 years and the masterful orchestration of turning our wonderful Republic into a socialist nation. Yes we are a socialist nation, one of the freest, still socialist. The big tipping points were of course The New Deal, The Great Society and our current Obamamania Raw Deal. There have been many incremental laws passed over the years to take us deeper and deeper into the socialist realm. To include though not limited to the current tax codes, helmet laws, seatbelt laws, hell you can't even ride in the back of a pick-up truck anymore. Which was one of my favorite childhood memories, riding in the back of my uncles truck coming back from the lake. The wind and the risk were exhilarating But that has been taken away for my safety, because the government cares about me. Oh, and I am too stupid to do something like that without killing myself! I won't even start with the tax code and how that is not only a violation of the Constitution, it is also an invasion of my privacy. Which I know is redundant, but think about it.

Now to all the liberal beliefs that have proven to be disastrous yet they still have "faith" in them. The New Deal; This was the biggest government take over to date. Many of The New Deal policies were challenged, all the way to The Supreme court. The New Deal lost a few thought not near enough. Government involvement in business has proven time and time again that it not only slows the economy it sets the government up to pick winners and losers. If left alone our Capitalist system will weed out the bad guys. Yes sometimes people will lose money, that is the risk in business. That's why few people start their own business and choose to instead work for other people. We need both of course, business owners and employees. What we don't need is government intervening and handicapping business for their own profit. For example, Fannie and Freddie both subsidized by the government and both untouched by new restrictions. Funny how that works. All of these "little" restrictions on different business always boil down to one word. TAXES! The constant unwavering faith that liberals have in taxing the successful is mindboggling. It has been proven over and over that if you lessen the tax burden on business the economy improves. And if you increase taxes the economy slows. Let's look at the Top Marginal Tax Rates (TMTR) over the last 100 years; the income tax started in the early 1900s with Taft, a supposed republican. The TMTR was 7%!!!! Over the years it has been as high as 94%, that isn't a type-o, 94%!!! Thank you you worthless piece of shit FDR and his wonderful New Deal!! He is greatly responsible along with Woodrow Wilson for our current economic woes. There of course are other democrats that perpetuated the problem but in my opinion they were the catalyst for our tax and spend government.

The Great Society: Another liberal utopia that they have faith in. Let's take care of those who don't take care of themselves. Welfare, food stamps, Medicare, social security, HUD.... if you can't afford it the government takes from those who are successful and gives to the deadbeats! Yes, there are instances that happen where the community should pull together and help those that have had misfortune in their lives. Not the government!! All of these programs have been a nightmare! Fraud, fraud and more fraud, people getting assistance yet working for cash. People getting disability while doing manual labor on the side. The list goes on forever. These programs are a toilet for OUR money, not the governments they make no money. They take it!!!

One more thing about the TMTR, from the last years of FDR it stayed in the 90%s until about 1964 and hovered around the in the 70%s through 1981. Then we were saved by "the Man" Ronald Reagan! Who brought the TMTR all the way down to 28%!! Do you remember the economy of the 80s and 90s, I do. Life was great! Reagan let businesses and individuals keep their money and the economy boomed.

Now we have Obamacare, which will be put in place incrementally over the next 10 years. It has already made it's mark on big business, McDonalds insurance program will take a huge hit. They already said that unless the government makes changes it will have to drop over one million people from insurance because of the rate hikes to come. anytime the government gets involved taxes go up and intern so do prices.

Yet the libs still have faith in all of the feel good programs that take money from the successful and give it to those who are uninspired (trying to be nice). Do they really have faith in these programs? I think not, this is nothing more than trying to take control of the free market. They have been very successful at this over the past hundred years. Under the guise of compassion they have taken over housing, retirement, automotive, insurance, medical, banking..... Yes some of these the government doesn't have complete control but they restrict them enough to make so they can't be profitable. The liberals have no desire to help anyone they want to control everyone. We have lost many freedoms over the years that people willing have given up thinking it was best for them. Because the government told them so. It continues today with the liberal faith in social programs. OR is their goal to "Fundamentally Change America" , yes it is!! We really are not a Republic anymore we truly are a Socialist Nation. Believe me I don't like saying anymore than you like reading it. The FACTS speak for themselves. With supposed faith the libs keep trying to vote in more policies to take over the private sector all in the name of "fairness" and "compassion" , even though the FACTS pound them on the head. These type of programs have never worked and will never work. Only freedom brings prosperity, it is that simple.

I think there is positive change on they way but it will only happen if we all get involved. Let's make this country the Republic our Founders envisioned. Be an advocate for our Constitution, if the candidate does believe and follow the Constitution the don't vote for them. It really is that simple.

Have Faith in GOD not the government.

Choose to Succeed

Koach Karl

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