Monday, August 16, 2010


It has been a while since my last post, unfortunately this isn't a top 3 priority. GOD, Family and my real job:) Take priority. I am going to make an effort, however to post at least twice a month, hopefully every week. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the response to my new RAW format of the blog. It's refreshing to know that we can actual be ourselves and say what is on our mind. Though I fear that this won't last much longer if the voters don't put a stop to the tyranny that is taking place in the The White House and on the Hill on a daily basis. Anyway thanks for the comments and support. I do wish you would comment on the blog itself, though I'm just happy you are reading it.

It has been a busy summer for our president as well, busy taking vacations and avoiding reality. This guy has taken more vacations in less than 2 years than Bush took his entire 2 terms as president. Then of course we have Michelle spending a fortune going to Spain with friends. It must be nice! I love how in touch these shitheads are!! They have NO idea what's going on and how the average American is cutting back to make ends meet. It is typical of a Dictator to ask that the little people make sacrifices while he and his family are treated like a King. No Obama's not a Dictator, just an over privileged, spineless, Marxist, racist punk who wants to be King. The economy is in the shitter, unemployment is at a constant 9.5%, the average income is down for everyone except Government employees, sounds like a great time to spend tax payer dollars for vacations. Yet the mainstream media could care less. When Bush went to his farm all hell broke lose, apparently he just wasn't wasting enough of our money. Raising taxes, wasting tax dollars, and killing babies seem to send the mainstream media into a masturbating euphoria, I guess it's like porn to them, they love to see people get fucked!! Especially the "Evil Rich". With out the "Rich" NO one would have a job.

Let's get to reality, no I really don't think Obama is avoiding reality. I think he is rejoicing in the reality of the destruction of the economy and the shredding of our Constitution. The Fed came out last week an said the Recovery would be slower than expected, NO SHIT!! You don't spend over a Trillion dollars, raise taxes, institute more regulations on business, take over healthcare, increase unemployment benefits and expect the economy to bounce back, you do this to make those dependent on the Government even more so. At the same time getting more people eating the Government Cheese. What does that do? Gives the Government more CONTROL over our lives, plain and simple. The answer to our economic problems, which the administration knows, lies with the Private Sector. They create jobs, NOT THE GOVERNMENT!! This Hope and Change isn't incompetence it is a deliberate attack on our Foundation of Freedom and Free enterprise. Think about this when you go to the polls this November. Take a stand an vote out everyone, democrat or republican, who voted for any of this. Starting with TARP, Totally Asinine Rectal Probe, in 2008 to the current spend-a-holics in office now.

Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl

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