Wednesday, April 14, 2010


A lot has happened in the past 16 months, none of it good. Let me start this by stating once again that I did NOT agree with the steps Bush took the last few months of his presidency. He started this week, knee jerk reaction to the economic down turn with the TARP fund, then Obama ran with it. Boy did he run with it!! After TARP came the Stimulus that had to passed or unemployment would rise above 8%. That worked out well didn't it!:) Now we have Obamacare, which will cost businesses millions, but they aren't suppose to say that. Of course we have the continual apology tour, saying how evil and wrong the USA is and has been. But Obama is planning on changing that!! Remember "Change", you voted for it! Remember "Fundamentally change America" that's what the Messiah said, so if you are surprised at the "change " you're an IDIOT. He told you exactly what he was going to do. Most of you who voted for this Marxist piece of shit were totally ignorant and caught up in the excitement following the crowd like all the other sheep. SHAME ON YOU!!!

Most of the people who voted for Obama had NO idea what they were voting for. again SHAME ON YOU. The far left wackos who wanted the government take over kind of change, voted for it and are getting it. Aside from having extreme difference of opinion on all things political and what is best for this country, I really have no problem with anyone who voted for Obama who wanted this kind of change. There is a small percentage of Americans out there who want the government to be in charge of everything, that is their right and their opinion. I do however have a BIG problem with the people who voted for Obama just because he is black!! Don't FREAK-OUT, you know it and I know it that a large part of the country voted for him just for that reason. That is pathetic!! I don't care what race someone is if I don't agree with their politics I'm going to say so. Now days that makes you a racist. Didn't someone say that when Obama was elected we would move into "the post racial" era. What a load of CRAP, everything is about race now. You can't disagree with this administration without being called a racist. Never mind that most of us just don't want to turn over everything to the government and let them control our lives. It is the Obama administrations only come back when questioned about their policies, GOD forbid we actually debate the issues. They fact is Obama, his staff, the House and the Senate can't openly debate the issues because then you would know that they want to control all facets of our lives. That is why they lash out and call the Tea Party movement racist, homophobic right wingers. That is Alinsky's blueprint, marginalize your opposition. The Rules for Radicals, which is the Obama handbook, by Saul Alinsky spells it all out. The current administration and the media are following it to the letter!! Back to my point! The Moderate's, Independent's the "Nuanced" if you will. These people who think that they are more intelligent because they want to hear the the Left and the Right points of view. They are spineless, weak, pussies who can't take a stand. The people who change their opinion with the polls. I have no respect or use for these kinds of people, take a stand and stick to it. It is easy to be a conservative as our stands are based on moral values and the Constitution. I also have no use for people who voted for Obama just on the fact he wasn't Bush!! What a bunch of idiots!! Bush wasn't running but his name was brought up more than McCain's!! These so-called Republicans who fell under the spell of "the messiah" and new nothing about him and still voted for him. These are the ones that really get me going. WHY? Because these are the people who are running around in shock about what's happening. "I didn't think this would happen" "I can't believe these changes" "I didn't vote for this" Well you did vote for this!! You just didn't take the time to find out about the person you voted for. Worse than that you didn't even LISTEN to the message Obama was spewing "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA"!!!!

Then we have the latest quote from our spineless leader, "Whether We Like It or Not, We Remain The Dominate Military Superpower". Whether we like it or NOT, what is that!!! "Yes as Americans we should strive for Mediocrity" Why doesn't he just say that. Like it or NOT!! That is just a stupid stupid statement!! "I being Nuanced and above it all, strive for weakness" That's what he should say!! He should say "I" not "WE" because as a Nation "WE" have always strived for Excellence, not mediocrity. For those of you who don't know, the ones who voted for Obama, the Capitalist System has made this country the strongest most powerful Nation in the world. In less than 200 years!! Now we are losing that. If that is what you want, that's great. It is safe to say that the majority of Americans want to continue to be the Greatest Nation in the world. Our Greatness and Power has freed millions, feed millions, saved millions and will continue to do so. Mediocrity will NOT win, it is an oxymoron:):)

A final thought for those Nuanced voters out there who are "shocked" "surprised" at what is happening to our country. This is YOUR fault!! That's right, I don't blame the left because this is what they want and they knew what they voted for. You tilted the scales! You, the ones who don't stand for anything! This is your doing. I have more respect for the Liberal who stands up for their beliefs, than the Moderate who won't take a stand until the polls come out. If you are one of those who think this stuff won't affect you, such as Healthcare, you are a bigger idiot than the rest. Just because you have insurance and are stable you think this won't affect you!! It will affect you more than most because you will be paying for those that you think it affects!! The people without insurance or health benefits, they are the ones that will be unaffected. Accept of course FREE stuff form YOU!!!


Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl

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