Monday, March 1, 2010


2010 is off to a great start for political junkies!! I have never heard so much BS coming from Washington. It is fun most of the time, though sometimes it can make one weary. The constant spinning of positions, both left and right, saying what they think people want to hear. Instead of what they really mean. Of course lately that is just the republicans, saying what they think you want to hear. The democrats could care less what the American people want or say. The democrats say "full speed ahead with our agenda, you are too stupid to understand." Being a conservative, it is frustrating that any republican would sign on to any of the legislation put forth the past year. It is all a Socialist power grab plain and simple. The government now has control of the banks, auto, housing and they want to control our healthcare. This unfortunately is nothing new, the past 100 years have been a series of power grabs by the Federal, State and local governments. The main ones being FDR, who kept the Great Depression Great for about 10 years longer than it would have been. Then The Great Society, to help poverty stricken minorities, which does nothing more than keep the poor interned to government handouts. Which of course insures their vote for the democrats, because as we all know they CARE.

CARE! If anyone believes that the government cares about you, you're an idiot! That of course is one of my many sweeping, yet 98% accurate statements. The truth is there are a few people, very few, out there holding political office that do actually care about this country and the constitution. You notice I didn't say cares about you or me. I don't want someone in office to care about me!! I want my elected officials to care about and follow the United States Constitution, if they do that I will be fine. If our government would follow the constitution then everything would fall into place. YES!!! There would be problems, life is full of them. Our Founders new that they couldn't,nor did they want to, please or take care of everyone. Those are and always will be individual responsibilities. NO matter how much the politicians try to convince , they CANNOT and WILL NOT take care of you. What the Founders did do is make it possible for EVERY United States Citizen to have the right to Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness. NOT, let me say that again, NOT the guarantee of happiness. NOT a guarantee of a job, home, car, healthcare, family..... NO!! None of that is guaranteed!! What was Guaranteed under the Constitution is the Right to have the Freedom to Pursue all of those and more. BUT, over the years that has eroded as well, with restrictions on business and personal freedoms under the guise of "caring for you" and of course "for the children". "For the children"!!!!! That is the biggest load of crap ever said!! For schools, for daycare, for their health, .... and my all time favorite "for their self-esteem". Seat belt laws, helmet laws, smoking bans, hell for that matter speed limits as well. All of these are a violation of our freedoms. Do I smoke? NO Do I wear my seat belt? YES Do I wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle? NO Two out of three isn't bad:) No matter it should be MY choice. The Libs don't like choice, except of course to kill a baby. Then everyone should have at least the option to kill a baby. Seems logical:) Let's analyze this a little from a average guy, ME, point of view. The whole "it's my body" crap. Now if you truly believe "it's my body" I can do what I want to it. Why can't you decide to smoke, wear a helmet or seat belt. You can snuff out a life and go about your business. BUT if you don't wear a seat belt the police, take the time to pull you over, run a check on your license, write you a ticket. Then send you on your way. Who does this benifit? The local or state government, that's who. Because you are stuck with a hefty fine. This does NOT benifit you nor your children nor your neighbor, the government is the only one that benefits!! The ONLY reason for these laws is to make revenue!! Nothing more.

The question I pose to anyone who believes that the government is the answer to all that ails you, commies, libs, socialist and the like:):) Who grants you your freedoms? You know "the unalienable rights" of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." There is only one answer to this question and it is stated in The Declaration of Independence. The answer: Our Creator. GOD if you will. NOT the government!!! The government passes law after law restricting your freedoms. Some necessary most NOT. Most are to control your life and how you live it. Since Communism failed, sorry Barrack, the libs have found a new way to control you. Do you know what that is? Find out in the next post!!

Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl

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