What is "hate speech"? Really take a moment and ask yourself that question. Because from what I can make out from the so-called media and the democrats "hate speech" is anything they don't like or disagree with. The libs and the media, as well as members of the House and Senate(of course only dems), can say anything they want about anybody and it isn't hate. It's "just Joe being Joe" or it "was misinterpreted" along with various other excuses but it is NEVER hate. We must remember Libs, dems and the media are tolerant. Tolerant of ONLY there views and if you disagree with them you are intolerant, racists, bigoted, homophobe. I personally don't mind anyone's views, last I heard that was Freedom of Speech. That's one of the MANY differences between conservatives and liberals, conservatives KNOW, under the constitution, you have the right to say just about anything you want. I really don't believe in the term "hate speech" or "hate crimes" or any other thought policing. What someone thinks isn't anyone's business. It is their actions. Not to go Neanderthal on you but in my past I have had many people threaten me with violence. I would laugh and go about my business. When they took action and through a punch at me then I would kick their ass!! Words really are meaningless to me as threats or name calling. It is a right to spew any kind of ignorance you want!! Just look at Keith Oberman:):) He has every right to be an idiot. I don't agree with any of the hate he spews but it is his opinion and good for him for having the balls to voice it. I do however have a problem with the typical liberal hypocrisy.
For example this past week the libs have been whining about name calling and "so-called" threats since passage of Obama Care. All the American people are doing is voicing their opinion and opposition to the corrupt bill and the way things were pushed through. I of course agree and will be at my local Tea Party April 15th to protest this and more. You have to laugh!!! When someone disagrees with the left or dares argue points of fact, then that person must be a threat or a terrorist. Oh how soon we forget the past.:) I don't think there was a day that went by during the Bush years that someone didn't call him stupid, warmonger, war criminal.... Then there was the shoe throwing incident. The media mocked the president and praised the asshole that did it. Now the shoe is on the other foot. OK, to simple and easy, sorry. If you look at Obama cross-eyed or disagree with him, you MUST be a racist. NO discussion! These so-called acts of violence or false!! They are lies made up by the left and perpetuated by the media. There was NO racial or homophobe rhetoric spewed on the day in question. There is NO recording of such incident, NO video of any violent actions. In this day and age of YouTube, Facebook, 24 hour news, cell phone cameras...... If it happened they would have taped it. There were numerous videos played on Fox News trying to get to the bottom of these accusations and nothing came out of it. Then of course we have my state, Missouri, where someone spit on the Reverend Clever and A coffin was placed on Carnhans lawn. Both are false, NO proof just their word. I don't know about you but at this point in politics I wouldn't take the word of a politician, right or left! I heard Andrew Brietbart from Big Hollywood has offered $10,000 to anyone that can show proof of these violent acts. No takers yet. What does that tell you? It tells me it never happened. If it did happen the people responsible should be held accountable.
Even from a comedic stand point, if you made fun of Obama in any way you were automatically a racists. I'm sorry but most of my comedic material about Obama has NOTHING to do with his race. Which by the way is half white as well as black. I will get back to that later. To me, aside from being a Marxist, anti-America, anti-Constitution, spineless punk, he looks like Alfred E. Newman. You know the guy from Mad Magazine. The big ears, the phony smile. Just Google Alfred E Newman and see for yourself. It's a riot. That's FUNNY!! If you laugh you are most likely a racist. Be carful!
It is funny how the libs, media and Hollywood elites can bash Bush, call him names, even make a movie about his assassination, all of that is political descent. You know who the libs, media and Hollywood elites attack the most? Christians!! If you are a white, Christian, Conservative you are the prime target of these hate spewing morons. Conservative elected officials get death threats all the time. Eric Cantor had shots fired into his campaign office last week, you didn't hear much or anything about that.
Here is my honest opinion of these attacks. The libs would lie, cheat, still or kill to get their agenda past and approved. Is that radical? I guess, that is my opinion and as of now I can voice my opinion. That could change soon. As I write this Henry Waxman and congress are planning to hold hearings April 21 for companies that tell their employees how much it will cost them to conform to the Obama Care guide lines. So we should all be careful what we say. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, you get my meaning, they did this kind of silencing of opposition. Just something to think about.
Back to Obama's race, is he white or black? He is half white and half black, so why isn't he a white president instead of the first black president? I think that is racist!! I have a 17 year old daughter who happens to be half white and half black, so what is she? She is an American!! We have never marked her race on school documents because we think it is racist to do so. She is an American high school student, no more no less. Do we think she is more, of course we do! But in the grand scheme she deserves NO special treatment. I could go into the problems she has had from BOTH black and white students, it is irrelevant since ALL kids get harassed by everyone. Stop crying and making excuses because of your race, gender or sexual preference.
We are all guilty of hate!! I HATE the policies liberals put forth!! Liberals HATE the policies conservatives put forth. Anyone who says different is just fooling themselves. Do I hate a certain race? NO! Do I hate homosexuals? NO! Do I hate PETA? NO! Do I hate NOW? Ok I do hate NOW, since their main agenda is not women's rights it is a women right to kill a baby. I hate that!! I do disagree with people who happen to be of a different race than I or a different sexual preference or gender, just because my opinion is different does that mean I hate them. By that definition, and that is the lefts definition, they hate me! So why isn't the media going after the people who bash conservative views? Because most of the media are a bunch of left wing, baby killing, Marxist loving, Obama sheep that can't get past their own Radical agenda to really report the news. See I think that's funny! Why? Because it is exaggeration and that's funny. If I had to point it out to you you are to uptight and sensitive.
Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Global Warming, Global Cooling, Climate Change, The Green Movement....... What ever you want to call it. I call it the Climate Commies! If you look at the leadership in a lot of these so called "Green" movements, they are disgruntled and self avowed communists. Now I have NO problem with people believing in what ever "ism" they want, be it socialism, communism, Stalinism, Marxism..... I do however have a problem with these people trying to bring their beliefs in to the United States Government. That has been happening for the last 100 years or so. From Teddy to FDR to Johnson to Obama and every administration in-between. The republicans tried to slow it down though some of them went along with the GOOSE stepping as well. What am I referring to? These defunked commies making laws in the name of the environment that restricts our freedoms and choices.
These people could care less about the environment, what they care about is restricting freedoms and controlling the individual. Along with grabbing as much public and PRIVATE land as they can in the name of conservation, Thanks Teddy! They also want to tell you: How much water in your toilet tank! What kind of car you drive! The temperature in your house! Paper or plastic! Ethanol or gasoline! Drive 55! Restrict your electrical use! That is just the start of the thousands of ways these people are restricting your individual freedoms. Again if you want to drive an electric car and were shoes made from hemp I say go right ahead. DO NOT try to force me into an electric car with a back door emissions law. I don't really mind the people that are true believers and I mean that in the most religious since. Most of these people have taken this on as their religion. Again that's fine, just not my thing. When I say I don't mind the true believers what I mean is that if that is your passion and you want to REALLY live like that I commend you. Even if I disagree with someone I can respect anyone that walks their talk. Unfortunately most don't!
The Greenies talk about fossil fuel and the evils of it and jet off to their next conference. OR they buy Carbon Credits! I can't write this without laughing my ass off!! Can you believe people actually bought, literally, into this hoax. So I will give Al Gore's company some cash to ease my conscience and fly anywhere in my private jet and all is right with the world. Now with "Climate Gate" telling us that the whole process of Global Warming stats were manipulated to say just what the Climate Commies wanted, you have to laugh at the sheep mentality of the people that bought into the whole scam. Of course these are the social "Elite" who know better and went to Harvard and Yale...... I have no problem with these institutions ,aside from their liberal agenda, or any other Government Higher Learning Center:):) If you want to pay twice as much and still be stupid enough to purchase Carbon Credits I say yeah for higher education and capitalism:)
These groups aren't just trying to take away our freedoms and consumer choices they are also one of the biggest domestic terror threats facing our country today. Read this story
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,343768,00.html now that is one of many branding these groups as terror threats. ECO-TERRORISM that is the official name though you won't hear it too often in the news cycle because these are the same type of libs delivering your news. You have the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). The ELF have torched SUVs and resorts in Vail they felt a threat to nature. They set donators to ignite fires all in the name of the environment. I feel warm and fuzzy all over:):) Then you have the ALF http://www.fbi.gov/congress/congress02/jarboe021202.htm they "refuse to harm any animal or non-human" but they would torch your business if you sold fur. I love liberal logic:):) Here is a list of the damage these two earth and animal loving groups have done over the years http://www.furcommission.com/resource/Resources/Terror.pdf. The FBI estimates they are responsible for over $$100 billion worth of damage over the years. They are the number ONE terrorist threat in our country.
Now the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, doesn't have time for these trivial things hell she really doesn't have time for the Muslim Terrorist or what she calls the creators of "manmade disasters" a cute name for a suicide bomber, don't you think. She is too busy keeping and eye out for real trouble as stated in a report issued by her department. The real trouble? Veterans, pro-lifers, gun owners, you know conservatives. She did apologize http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/04/16/napolitano-apologizes-offending-veterans-dhs-eyes-rightwing-extremism/ I am happy to know that I am one of the DHS most wanted.
"Give me Liberty or give me Death"
Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl
These people could care less about the environment, what they care about is restricting freedoms and controlling the individual. Along with grabbing as much public and PRIVATE land as they can in the name of conservation, Thanks Teddy! They also want to tell you: How much water in your toilet tank! What kind of car you drive! The temperature in your house! Paper or plastic! Ethanol or gasoline! Drive 55! Restrict your electrical use! That is just the start of the thousands of ways these people are restricting your individual freedoms. Again if you want to drive an electric car and were shoes made from hemp I say go right ahead. DO NOT try to force me into an electric car with a back door emissions law. I don't really mind the people that are true believers and I mean that in the most religious since. Most of these people have taken this on as their religion. Again that's fine, just not my thing. When I say I don't mind the true believers what I mean is that if that is your passion and you want to REALLY live like that I commend you. Even if I disagree with someone I can respect anyone that walks their talk. Unfortunately most don't!
The Greenies talk about fossil fuel and the evils of it and jet off to their next conference. OR they buy Carbon Credits! I can't write this without laughing my ass off!! Can you believe people actually bought, literally, into this hoax. So I will give Al Gore's company some cash to ease my conscience and fly anywhere in my private jet and all is right with the world. Now with "Climate Gate" telling us that the whole process of Global Warming stats were manipulated to say just what the Climate Commies wanted, you have to laugh at the sheep mentality of the people that bought into the whole scam. Of course these are the social "Elite" who know better and went to Harvard and Yale...... I have no problem with these institutions ,aside from their liberal agenda, or any other Government Higher Learning Center:):) If you want to pay twice as much and still be stupid enough to purchase Carbon Credits I say yeah for higher education and capitalism:)
These groups aren't just trying to take away our freedoms and consumer choices they are also one of the biggest domestic terror threats facing our country today. Read this story
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,343768,00.html now that is one of many branding these groups as terror threats. ECO-TERRORISM that is the official name though you won't hear it too often in the news cycle because these are the same type of libs delivering your news. You have the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). The ELF have torched SUVs and resorts in Vail they felt a threat to nature. They set donators to ignite fires all in the name of the environment. I feel warm and fuzzy all over:):) Then you have the ALF http://www.fbi.gov/congress/congress02/jarboe021202.htm they "refuse to harm any animal or non-human" but they would torch your business if you sold fur. I love liberal logic:):) Here is a list of the damage these two earth and animal loving groups have done over the years http://www.furcommission.com/resource/Resources/Terror.pdf. The FBI estimates they are responsible for over $$100 billion worth of damage over the years. They are the number ONE terrorist threat in our country.
Now the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, doesn't have time for these trivial things hell she really doesn't have time for the Muslim Terrorist or what she calls the creators of "manmade disasters" a cute name for a suicide bomber, don't you think. She is too busy keeping and eye out for real trouble as stated in a report issued by her department. The real trouble? Veterans, pro-lifers, gun owners, you know conservatives. She did apologize http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/04/16/napolitano-apologizes-offending-veterans-dhs-eyes-rightwing-extremism/ I am happy to know that I am one of the DHS most wanted.
"Give me Liberty or give me Death"
Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl
Monday, March 1, 2010
2010 is off to a great start for political junkies!! I have never heard so much BS coming from Washington. It is fun most of the time, though sometimes it can make one weary. The constant spinning of positions, both left and right, saying what they think people want to hear. Instead of what they really mean. Of course lately that is just the republicans, saying what they think you want to hear. The democrats could care less what the American people want or say. The democrats say "full speed ahead with our agenda, you are too stupid to understand." Being a conservative, it is frustrating that any republican would sign on to any of the legislation put forth the past year. It is all a Socialist power grab plain and simple. The government now has control of the banks, auto, housing and they want to control our healthcare. This unfortunately is nothing new, the past 100 years have been a series of power grabs by the Federal, State and local governments. The main ones being FDR, who kept the Great Depression Great for about 10 years longer than it would have been. Then The Great Society, to help poverty stricken minorities, which does nothing more than keep the poor interned to government handouts. Which of course insures their vote for the democrats, because as we all know they CARE.
CARE! If anyone believes that the government cares about you, you're an idiot! That of course is one of my many sweeping, yet 98% accurate statements. The truth is there are a few people, very few, out there holding political office that do actually care about this country and the constitution. You notice I didn't say cares about you or me. I don't want someone in office to care about me!! I want my elected officials to care about and follow the United States Constitution, if they do that I will be fine. If our government would follow the constitution then everything would fall into place. YES!!! There would be problems, life is full of them. Our Founders new that they couldn't,nor did they want to, please or take care of everyone. Those are and always will be individual responsibilities. NO matter how much the politicians try to convince , they CANNOT and WILL NOT take care of you. What the Founders did do is make it possible for EVERY United States Citizen to have the right to Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness. NOT, let me say that again, NOT the guarantee of happiness. NOT a guarantee of a job, home, car, healthcare, family..... NO!! None of that is guaranteed!! What was Guaranteed under the Constitution is the Right to have the Freedom to Pursue all of those and more. BUT, over the years that has eroded as well, with restrictions on business and personal freedoms under the guise of "caring for you" and of course "for the children". "For the children"!!!!! That is the biggest load of crap ever said!! For schools, for daycare, for their health, .... and my all time favorite "for their self-esteem". Seat belt laws, helmet laws, smoking bans, hell for that matter speed limits as well. All of these are a violation of our freedoms. Do I smoke? NO Do I wear my seat belt? YES Do I wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle? NO Two out of three isn't bad:) No matter it should be MY choice. The Libs don't like choice, except of course to kill a baby. Then everyone should have at least the option to kill a baby. Seems logical:) Let's analyze this a little from a average guy, ME, point of view. The whole "it's my body" crap. Now if you truly believe "it's my body" I can do what I want to it. Why can't you decide to smoke, wear a helmet or seat belt. You can snuff out a life and go about your business. BUT if you don't wear a seat belt the police, take the time to pull you over, run a check on your license, write you a ticket. Then send you on your way. Who does this benifit? The local or state government, that's who. Because you are stuck with a hefty fine. This does NOT benifit you nor your children nor your neighbor, the government is the only one that benefits!! The ONLY reason for these laws is to make revenue!! Nothing more.
The question I pose to anyone who believes that the government is the answer to all that ails you, commies, libs, socialist and the like:):) Who grants you your freedoms? You know "the unalienable rights" of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." There is only one answer to this question and it is stated in The Declaration of Independence. http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/index.htm The answer: Our Creator. GOD if you will. NOT the government!!! The government passes law after law restricting your freedoms. Some necessary most NOT. Most are to control your life and how you live it. Since Communism failed, sorry Barrack, the libs have found a new way to control you. Do you know what that is? Find out in the next post!!
Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl
CARE! If anyone believes that the government cares about you, you're an idiot! That of course is one of my many sweeping, yet 98% accurate statements. The truth is there are a few people, very few, out there holding political office that do actually care about this country and the constitution. You notice I didn't say cares about you or me. I don't want someone in office to care about me!! I want my elected officials to care about and follow the United States Constitution, if they do that I will be fine. If our government would follow the constitution then everything would fall into place. YES!!! There would be problems, life is full of them. Our Founders new that they couldn't,nor did they want to, please or take care of everyone. Those are and always will be individual responsibilities. NO matter how much the politicians try to convince , they CANNOT and WILL NOT take care of you. What the Founders did do is make it possible for EVERY United States Citizen to have the right to Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness. NOT, let me say that again, NOT the guarantee of happiness. NOT a guarantee of a job, home, car, healthcare, family..... NO!! None of that is guaranteed!! What was Guaranteed under the Constitution is the Right to have the Freedom to Pursue all of those and more. BUT, over the years that has eroded as well, with restrictions on business and personal freedoms under the guise of "caring for you" and of course "for the children". "For the children"!!!!! That is the biggest load of crap ever said!! For schools, for daycare, for their health, .... and my all time favorite "for their self-esteem". Seat belt laws, helmet laws, smoking bans, hell for that matter speed limits as well. All of these are a violation of our freedoms. Do I smoke? NO Do I wear my seat belt? YES Do I wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle? NO Two out of three isn't bad:) No matter it should be MY choice. The Libs don't like choice, except of course to kill a baby. Then everyone should have at least the option to kill a baby. Seems logical:) Let's analyze this a little from a average guy, ME, point of view. The whole "it's my body" crap. Now if you truly believe "it's my body" I can do what I want to it. Why can't you decide to smoke, wear a helmet or seat belt. You can snuff out a life and go about your business. BUT if you don't wear a seat belt the police, take the time to pull you over, run a check on your license, write you a ticket. Then send you on your way. Who does this benifit? The local or state government, that's who. Because you are stuck with a hefty fine. This does NOT benifit you nor your children nor your neighbor, the government is the only one that benefits!! The ONLY reason for these laws is to make revenue!! Nothing more.
The question I pose to anyone who believes that the government is the answer to all that ails you, commies, libs, socialist and the like:):) Who grants you your freedoms? You know "the unalienable rights" of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." There is only one answer to this question and it is stated in The Declaration of Independence. http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/index.htm The answer: Our Creator. GOD if you will. NOT the government!!! The government passes law after law restricting your freedoms. Some necessary most NOT. Most are to control your life and how you live it. Since Communism failed, sorry Barrack, the libs have found a new way to control you. Do you know what that is? Find out in the next post!!
Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl
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