I know the title of this will piss off all the race baiting
libs, but the truth can be ugly and tough to take. I really think that is the root of our
current problems in this country, our society as a whole can’t handle the
truth. The truth is this president and
his administration is a complete failure!
The worse thing in this mess is the voters inability to admit that our
first “black” president is a failure. He
isn’t even black! He is just as much
white as he is black, he is a mixed race president. Which isn’t that big a deal because we are
all mixed race. Anyway, let’s pretend he
is black. The failures of Obama and his
administration are really too numerous to chronicle. Here is a short list, The Stimulus that didn’t
work, the unemployment that is the worst in decades, the only job creation is by
the government, Fast and Furious, the beer summit, which really emphasizes
Obama’s own racism. Holder’s refusal to
prosecute the Black Panthers, Green energy failures, more people on food stamps
than any time in history. The last food stamp count is 14.9 million households
on food stamps!! What an embarrassment! I’m
just warming up! I didn’t forget Benghazi,
why should I mention it?! The media
doesn’t! The loss of life alone with
Fast and Furious and Benghazi would not only get a white president, democrat or
republican, impeached and definitely not reelected.
So why do I call this affirmative action? Because the only reason it is accepted is
because Obama, Holder and Rice are black!
That’s Susan Rice, not Condi. Condoleezza
Rice isn’t protected because she is somewhat conservative. The above failures would not be tolerated in
any other administration. Here is a small example, not small of importance
small in the scope of all their criminal behavior. When GW was in office CNN, MSMBC….all did a
daily body count of military killed in action, all holding GW accountable. Which he was!
This stopped practically the day Obama took office!! Let’s talk just a little about Susan Rice,
she is a total fuck up and lied to the country about the cause of the Benghazi
murders. Anyone that questions her is a
racist misogynist! Look at the past Condoleezza
Rice and Collin Powell, both black both very competent. They were attacked over and over by the
liberal media yet no one cried racism or sexism or any other ism. Why?! Because they were working for GW, the evil
white, Christian Conservative. If you
are black, Hispanic, female and conservative it is open season on you!! You’re a sellout, uncle tom, not a
women?!....or just an idiot. Yet that is
never questioned and is actually celebrated.
This type of failure is accepted more and more throughout
our society. Look at public schools,
they advance kids to the next grade knowing they can’t function at that
level. Their excuse? Background, family, poverty, can’t speak English,
……bottom line they are rewarded for failure.
That is what is happening with this administration. The president can barely walk and chew gum at
the same time, only if he has a teleprompter telling him when to step and when
to chew. He isn’t only incompetent he is dangerous for our country. He is definitely
trying to “fundamentally change” our country.
Those are his words, I knew what he meant, did you?
It’s no secret I hate what the Obama administration is trying
to do to our country. Socialize it!! Now
if that’s what you want, which I guess half the country does, that’s okay in theory. It still doesn’t excuse the deaths of
Americans and the poverty that has struck this country the last four
years!! This administration is almost a
mirror of the Carter years, he was crushed in a landslide by Ronald Reagan. The greatest president in my lifetime!! The American people just wouldn’t stand for mediocrity,
nor should we!! Yet it is worse under
the Obama administration and he and his team are given a pass, a do-over. Yet it will continue to get worse. Look at the exit polls from the election,
over 50% still blame the economy on GW.
Are people really that fucking stupid?!!
Not only are the American people accepting failure and mediocrity,
it is being celebrated! Obama is being
praised and GW is being blamed for his mistakes. People blind themselves from the truth
because they don’t want to admit the first “black” president is a failure. He sucks, just deal with it! It is like the O.J. trial, yes I’m comparing
the two but O.J. did kill less people, the black community didn’t care that he
brutally murdered two people. He was
black and should get a pass! It’s the
same thing with Obama, Holder and Rice, they are completely incompetent yet are
given a pass and four more years to screw things up even more. All in the name of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged
by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King, Jr
Choose to Succeed!
Habakkuk 3:19