Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Winter Solstice Bomber

"I purpose a new symbol for the Democrats. Out: donkey. In: a giant pacifier." Michelle Malkin

This statement can sum up most of 2009, up to Christmas Day. You know that bomber thing, that was more of a nuisance than anything for that poor excuse of a president and his administration. I would call the bomber the Christmas Day Bomber but that would be politically incorrect and the ACLU along with all the other Libs may be out to get me. So let's call him the "winter solstice bomber" or the WSB :). I like that!! So the WSB made it on a plane after numerous warnings from various sources. Even his DAD told the Nigerian embassy that his SON was a threat!! But he was still allowed on a plane. The only thing that kept the WSB from killing hundreds of innocent people was his sheer incompetence. Not the "system;" it didn't work!! But our Home Land Security Secretary Napolitano said it DID work. She, of course, said she was taken out of context. She is in way over her head.

Back to the Messiah, the One, the Great Obama. It takes him THREE days to make a statement, which is ridiculous!!! He was just a little too busy for a REAL crisis. What do I mean? Well everything this past year has been an Emergency or Crisis... Healthcare, the Stimulus, the Bailouts...... Actually, the only time he came out with a quick response was when he said the Cambridge Police "acted stupidly," what a brave and bold leader. But when a REAL CRISIS hits he takes his sweet ass time to respond and then his response lacks passion or heart. NO, I'm not saying he is incompetent, I'm saying he doesn't care. That's right I said it and I stand by it!! He doesn't care. You will take notice that I have never called Obama an Idiot, Stupid, Moron.... or anything like that. I do think he is in over his head, but that's another topic. He truly doesn't care about anything else but his Marxist agenda. He wants to change our country into something it is not. And into something our Founding Fathers didn't want. The things that have been happening in this country for the last 40 years are the reasons the Founders started this GREAT country. I digress. My point is Obama could care less about our troops, our health or our country. He cares about OBAMA and that is it. For those of you who voted for him, I have some beachfront property in Kansas overlooking the Pacific to sell you. If you buy it I'm sure that Obama and his pals would bail you out.

Back to the WSB and how he got on the plane. Everyone is pointing fingers and placing blame. Who do I blame? I blame everyone who believes in Political Correctness!!! First, PC is nothing more than Fascism, trying to control your thought and speech!! Second, PC was the ONLY reason the Fort Hood shooter wasn't kicked out of the Army. He was/is a Radical piece of shit and should have been discharged, at least. Third, PC will cause the next attack on our country. If you don't believe that by know there is NOTHING to make you open your eyes.

The First Amendment and the Second Amendment will be put to the test in a BIG way the next three years. The First Amendment has already taken a beating because as we all know that if you speak out against this administration you aren't a "Patriotic Dissenter," as Hilary defined anyone who criticized the Bush years. NO, you are a "Racist Tea Bagger" and can't stand having a black man as your president. The truth is I don't care if our president is blue as long as he or she follows the Constitution and what this country was built on. I, of course, would prefer a conservative blue person but the Constitution is more important than MY beliefs. As the dissenters grow in numbers so will the name calling. Then it will be use of the strong arm of the Union... OH, wait, that already happened. SEIU members beat a BLACK man for being at a Tea Party. It will get worse.

To the Second Amendment, now think! Why was this amendment established? NO, not so we can hunt, that is a nice byproduct. The Right to Bear Arms was established to protect ourselves against an intrusive GOVERNMENT. Hitler, Stalin, Marx,..... Liberals all big advocates of gun control. Why? Because as their power grows they don't want you to fight back. It is that simple.

Something to think about as you ring in the New Year.

Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Government could careless about your Health!!!

As we go into Christmas week, NOT winter break, the largest take over of our economy by the BIG government liberals is about to take place. I can't tell you which way it will go, one day it is dead the next day they have the votes. I do know a couple of senators have been bought and paid for. The Louisiana senator will receive something like 300,000,000 in funding and the Nebraska senator is getting about the same. EAR MARKS basically!! Isn't that one of many Obama Promises broken, to stop ear marks? Nelson from Nebraska is the worst, a supposed prolife dem just sold out the unborn!! If you can be bought you have NO principles. Which unfortunately is just about every political, republican or democrat. These people would sell there children for a building named after them and all the while tell you it is "for the children".

The American people overwhelmingly are against this bill, which no one has seen thanks to the "new transparence" of Obama, so why vote for it? POWER and CONTROL, did Reagan defeat communism? It is nothing but a power grab by the libs! They could care less if you have health care, they do however want to control your life because you are too stupid to make any decisions on your own!!!! That is their, the libs, perception of the American public. If you are poor, ethnic, a women.... etc. You are just too stupid and incompetent to make it through life on your own. And of course the "evil white male" will take advantage of you. Affirmative Action is the greatest example of this thinking. We Americans have shown throughout history that if you just let us alone we can overcome anything. American has made a few mistakes and we have rectified them. Anytime government takes over it is disastrous! The New Deal, The Great Society have destroyed our working class, along with the Unions which have also tried to destroy the American Entrepreneurial spirit. I could spend hours on the evils of Unions but if you haven't figured that out by now I really don't care if you understand. Hint: The Unions destroyed the American Auto industry, research and get back to me:) The objective is to keep you in poverty and dependent on the government so you will keep voting them in to bring you out of your poverty. It never happens. Look at the results, what have the LIBs ever done to really help someone OUT of poverty?

Republicans are to blame as well, BUT NOT conservatives. These people who call themselves republicans but vote for all kinds of enabling social programs, Specter, Snowe, Collins,... are NOT conservatives. Conservatives believe in the POWER of the American People NOT the power of the government. Government does NOT create jobs or solve problems, they create problems. JOBS: Businesses create jobs, those evil CEOs that are Liberal villains create jobs. Small business that is taxed to death are the ones that employee 80 PERCENT of Americans. Yet they are vilified by the idiots who have NEVER worked in the private sector and have NO ideal how to run a business or our government. YES our Government, by the people for the people. NOT by OBAMA and for OBAMA. I do include the Whole administration when I say Obama.

The evil rich are the ones that pay for everything in this country, 90% of the taxes. And once again they are going to take a hit if this bill passes. This hatred of the wealthy has confused me ever since I was a "poor white trash child",not a protested special interest group:), my mom use to talk about the evil rich people. That has to be the one of the most ridiculous statements anyone can make. Have you ever heard of a poor person hiring people for work? NO! Have you heard of a poor person ever donating millions to cancer programs? NO! I am not here to defend the uber greedy who walk all over the common man. Contrary to the liberal media spin all people who are successful and make millions and employee millions aren't all evil greedy blood suckers. They have families and care for their fellow citizen as much as or MORE than any politician. They create the economic engine that moves us forward. The next time you are bitching about the evil rich quit your job and go work for a homeless person. That should pay very well. We should all thank and appreciate the wealthy people that employee us.

Merry Christmas

Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Liberal Fraud runs rampant

As the senate debates our freedom in the form of health care Harry Reid come out and uses the slavery, suffrage and civil rights analogy. What is amazing is NOT that he say's these stupid things but that the so called media doesn't call him on it. He equated the current republican protesting of the healthcare bill with the feet dragging on the above past issues. I'm all for using history to make sure we don't make the same mistakes but as usual the libs are rewriting history. It is common knowledge, to anyone how knows about the real history of this great country,that the Republican party freed the slaves and the southern democrats were against it. The republicans were in favor of women having the right to vote. Most recently the civil rights bill was apposed by over 60% of the democrats voting but the evil republicans who supposedly hate all blacks. Well they voted 60% in favor of the bill. Also Ronald Reagan signed in the celebration of Martin Luther King Day in to law. The dems have NO record on race relations except to try to control them. They love affirmative action because they feel that most minorities aren't smart enough to get things without their help. A little condescending if you ask me and racist. Whenever the libs accuse anyone of anything it usually means they are already doing it and want to divert attention from there racist bigoted way of life.

We also have "climategate," which is finally being mentioned in the pathetic media. I have never believed in "manmade" global warming, I'm not saying climate change doesn't exist, I'm saying we aren't responsible for it. Not only that, every time those "mental giants" predict something it doesn't happen. These are the same people that said, in the 70s, we would be frozen by now. I know I've said this before and make this point over and over but it's true. They can't predict anything, even worse now we find out these same "scientist" are manipulating data to suit their agenda. Surprised? I'm not, the Green people have No desire to save the planet they want to control our actions. Look at the past of most of the people involve in the hierarchy of the Green movement, they are admitted socialists, communist and Marxist. Check them out!! Then we have Al Gore, by the why his father voted against the civil rights bill, who has pulled off one of two of the biggest frauds in history. The first one was Obama trying to pass himself off as a moderate. Al Gore convinced people that the sky was falling and the only way to make a difference was to invest in "carbon credits" from a company that he is a major stock holder. HMMM!! Our enlightened lover of the planet is nothing more than a common criminal. If you were gullible enough to buy into global warming you should be very pissed off. Though I do mock the green movement I do believe there are a lot of people out there who genuinely care about their planet and spent a ton of money trying to make a difference. They should sue everyone involved in the fraud that is "CLIMATE CHANGE".

As for me and my family we stay faithful that good will come from all of this chaos and corruption. Carter gave us Ronald Reagan, who will Obama bring us? A new Moses will free us from the oppression of liberalism.

"GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH." Are you prepared to take this stand?

Choose to Succeed
Koach Karl